Saturday, June 20, 2009

Today we continued on the gravel pile with a very useful tool: a power wheelbarrow. The Seattle Parks Dept lent us this great tool, and Del operated it. We spread another 3 yards of gravel to muddy spots on the trail. We also pulled a few cubic yards of previously cut laurel limbs out to the trailhead, where they'll be hauled away by the Parks Dept. If we leave the limbs on the ground in the park, they'll reroot.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Work Party with Zeta Psi from the UW

Last Saturday we worked for 3 hours hauling about 3 cubic yards of gravel up the trail. The gravel (kindly provided by the Parks Dept) was really heavy. Since the trip in from the trailhead is uphill, it was pretty exhausting. Eric spread some of the gravel and dug a couple of trenches to divert water from the trail.

We still have another 5 cubic yards of gravel to distribute. We'll use some at the trailhead.

Thanks very much to the UW Zeta Psi fraternity for their hard work!